Late February may seem a little early but for Greenwood Lake crappie, this time of the year is a period of transition. The fish will generally move early at Greenwood and by the time March rolls around, they will be pretty much ready to move to the backs of the creeks and then along the banks, getting ready to spawn.
This is where you need to be watching how high the fish are in the water so you can start adjusting baits to the appropriate level. Being prepared is half of the battle in landing some quality fish.
When you are targetting any type of fish, you need to be thinking about the type of bait that you are going to use. Greenwood crappie are no different in this regard, obviously, but there are preferences too – just like any other animal, they will be more attracted to one type of ‘food’ than another, and this case the crappie will be attracted to actual food, i.e. live bait.
Straight minnows make for an eye-watering treat, to crappie. Something roughly 1 to 1 ½ inch of toughie minnow on a No.2 hook is perfect. This could be paired with a 1/32 or 1/64 ounce hair or small tube jig.